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A Cross Country to be proud of!

We were very lucky to have such a wonderful day for our cross country event - Dublin City Cross Country Race Series 2023 in partnership with Dublin Sports and Wellbeing Partnership, Active Cities Dublin and Athletics Ireland. We began to gather early in the morning in Scoil Chiaráin- making sure everything was in order with the teams and that all our kit was in place and we were ready to go.

We gathered before the off for a group photo in the school garden before our many chauffeurs brought us to St. Anne's Park for the main event. We had a group talk remembering that our top rule was to have fun! We remembered our school values before going on our way.

The day couldn't have been better. The weather was perfect, the journey to St. Anne's was well timed and the conditions of the course was great. We gathered together whilst we were checked in. After a few minutes we gathered as a group and made our way around the course so that we would have a sense of the course and we would be a little more familiar with the route.

Spirits were high as we waited for the event to begin. Shortly after 11 the event began. The race began with 3rd class girls completing the course followed by the 3rd class boys and so on working its way from 3rd to 6th class and with distances from 700 m to 1.2 km.

A big congratulations goes to each and every participant in today's event. The values of Scoil Chiaráin were again in play throughout the whole event. We really were a community at the cross country with pupils, parents and staff supporting each of the races from the start to the finish. Each pupil that participated was greeted along the route by their fellow pupils, parents and staff cheering and encouraging them on - even offering water in some cases! The athletics team as a whole were to be congratulated for the way they participated and for the successes which was received by some.

The pupils skills, talents and hard work made today's event such a success. The dedication of each of the participants to do their best and their determination and grit to complete the long distances is one which we as a school community are very proud of. The support for each member of the team was one I will remember fondly. The respect the pupils showed for each other and to other participants from other schools was a credit to the pupils. We truly did show the best versions of ourselves whilst attending the Dublin City Cross Country Race Series 2023.

A further congratulations goes to the pupils who were rewarded with their efforts with being placed. The Athletics Team is going from strength to strength with this years pupils being placed - 1st x 2, 3rd x 1, 5th x 1, 9th x 1.

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