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"The Hive"
Nurture Room

The Nurture Room is a space in which children can escape to learn with their peers, to have that much needed time out from the classroom or to enjoy learning activities outside of the normal classroom environment. 


Nurture groups are small groups of children that, while they are still a part of the active class, spend time within a separate environment to develop their learning, social and emotional needs. As the name suggests, a nurture room is there to provide a safe, predictable and structured space to further the child with their emotional and social development.

The Hive

Our new Nurture Room arrived in June 2022. Lots of work is being done to get the room ready for the boys and we cannot wait until we are up and running!


A Nurture Room is made up of 5 sections

1) Learning Area

2) Play Area

3) Living Room Area

4) Kitchen Area

5) Quiet Area



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