Today we saw representatives from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th represent Scoil Chiarain in athletics at the Primary Schools Cross Country event in St. Anne's Park hosted by Athletics Ireland and supported by Dublin City Council. It was a great opportunity for the boys to put on the schools athletics kit again and compete in the cross country event today. 21 schools in total took part in the event. It was great to see so many girls and boys schools out representing their schools.
There was great excitement building up to the event. Ms Harte encouraged the boys to enjoy the event and have fun and reminded the boys how great it was to be able to participate again following the pandemic. The boys boarded the bus with great sense of excitement and trepidation once St. Anne's Park was reached it was clear that the boys had reached the day they had all been waiting for. The boys gathered with staff and picked a location to call our base. We began by walking the route to familiarise ourselves with the course. It seemed a lot longer than the boys had imagined.
The boys in turn took to the start line lining up with many boys from other schools, on some occasions even having false starts! Each boy started and finished their race with gusto. It was great to see the boys running so well and doing themselves and the school proud. We as a school have never done so well - all the activity in school for the Active Flag and classes completing run-a-mile really did pay off! The boys did a super job competing in their event (each class ran with their fellow classes from other boys school) with four boys out of 22 being placed. Many Congratulations to Bobby in 3rd who received a trophy for 4th place, Jack in 4th receiving a trophy for 3rd place, Sebastian in 5th class receiving a trophy for 1st place and Jermaine receiving a medal for being 10th placed. Many congratulations and well done to each boy who represented the school so well in their maroon and yellow.
Our school values (respect, fairness, community and hardworking) shone bright today at the event and on return to school when the boys were congratulated by their fellow athletes at the event and the school community on their return to school. The future is bright for all the boys today and Scoil Chiaráin following the successful day. Great to see so many happy smiles all round today:) Roll on May 2022 for our next athletics adventure!!